July 2023 — Iceberg Community News

3 min readJul 28, 2023


Iceberg updates

Apache Iceberg 1.3.1 was released on July 25, 2023. The 1.3.1 release addresses various issues identified in the 1.3.0 release.

  • Core
  • Table Metadata parser now accepts null for fields: current-snapshot-id, properties, and snapshots (#8064)
  • Hive
  • Fix HiveCatalog deleting metadata on failures in checking lock status (#7931)
  • Spark
  • Fix RewritePositionDeleteFiles failure for certain partition types (#8059)
  • Fix RewriteDataFiles concurrency edge-case on commit timeouts (#7933)
  • Fix partition-level DELETE operations for WAP branches (#7900)
  • Flink
  • FlinkCatalog creation no longer creates the default database (#8039)

Other noteworthy items that the community added to Iceberg are shown below and will be part of the next Iceberg 1.4.0 release:

  • Added registerTable to the REST Catalog
  • FLIP-27 Flink source switched to JSON parser for FileScanTask
  • Fixed an issue with WAP branches and deletes
  • View APIs and the View Spec have been updated
  • OAuth2 Token support was added for GCSFileIO
  • An issue with single-byte reads with GCSFileIO was fixed
  • Improvements to CREATE OR REPLACE Branch/Tag
  • Fixed unicode handling in HTTP client

PyIceberg updates

PyIceberg 0.4.0 was released, and a blog is available that dives into the significant changes.

The 0.4.0 took a while, but the next release will be soon. If you’re missing anything in 0.4.0, please reach out on Github by raising an issue, or feel free to reach out on the community Slack in the #python channel.

PyIceberg 0.5.0 already has some awesome features lined up:

  • AWS Lambda compatibility
  • SqlCatalog support (JDBCCatalog in Java)
  • Major improvements on the speed of the Avro parser
  • GCS Support

Also, the first building blocks for the write path are being worked on (Avro writers, collection of metrics), but it requires some thorough testing, so that might be part of a future version.

More information can be found on the project site, and the package is available on PyPI.

Rust and Go

If you’re excited about non-JVM implementations of Iceberg, there is now a #rust and a #go channel on the community Slack. The Golang implementation is underway; please check it out and get involved. If you’re interested in the Rust implementation, please follow the GitHub repository. Join the community Slack to contribute and stay up to date on developments.

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Tabular is building an independent cloud-native data platform powered by the open source standard for huge analytic datasets, Apache Iceberg.