August 2023 — Iceberg Community News

3 min readAug 31, 2023


Iceberg updates

PyIceberg updates

PyIceberg 0.5.0 is inbound! With 0.4.0 just released, many new features already accumulated on the main branch. With stuff like:

  • Full support for schema evolution through PyIceberg
  • GCS Support
  • HDFS Support (through PyArrow)
  • Support for GZIP compressed metadata
  • Changes to make PyIceberg run in AWS Lambda
  • 10x speed improvements for the Avro parsing by using Cython
  • Support for the SQLCatalog (JDBC Catalog in Java)
  • Moving to Pydantic v2, which offers speed improvements when parsing the metadata JSON.
  • And many fixes and improvements both to the code and documentation.

Make sure to subscribe to the devlist to test and validate the Release Candidates that will be announced soon.

More information can be found on the project site, and the package is available on PyPI.

Rust and Go

There is some amazing progress on both the Rust and Go implementations. If you’re interested, make sure to star and watch to the repository.

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