April 2023 — Iceberg Community News

3 min readApr 28, 2023


Iceberg updates

  • Flink: 1.17 support was added, 1.14 removed (Liwei Li)
  • Iceberg Java 1.2.0 release is out (Jack Ye)
  • Added View version and parser (Amogh)
  • Improved bit density in object storage layout (Prashant)
  • Add initial support for Spark 3.4

Apache Iceberg 1.2.1 was released on April 11th, 2023. The 1.2.1 release is a patch release to address various issues identified in the prior release. Here is an overview:


  • REST: fix previous locations for refs-only load #7284
  • Parse snapshot-id as long in remove-statistics update #7235


  • Broadcast table instead of file IO in rewrite manifests #7263
  • Revert “Spark: Add “Iceberg” prefix to SparkTable name string for SparkUI #7273


  • Performance improvements for S3 when using the Apache HTTP client #7262
  • S3 Credentials provider support in DefaultAwsClientFactory #7066

PyIceberg updates

  • Wrapping everything up for the 0.4.0 release that will bring:
  • Add support for converting a query into a Ray dataset (thanks Rushan!)
  • A revamp of the documentation page (thanks Luigi!)
  • Able to limit the number of rows of a query (thanks Daniel!)
  • Implemented evaluation of the metrics to speed up queries (thanks Fokko!)
  • Ability to convert an Arrow schema to Iceberg, fixes AWS Athena issues (thanks Rushan!)
  • Add support for positional deletes (thanks Fokko!)

More information can be found on the project site, and the package is available on PyPI.

Iceberg in the industry

  • Google BigQuery managed Iceberg storage
  • Fivetran adds Iceberg on S3 as a destination

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Originally published at https://tabular.io on April 30, 2023.




Tabular is building an independent cloud-native data platform powered by the open source standard for huge analytic datasets, Apache Iceberg.